
Healthcare in Dominican Republic

Dominican public health system is precarious and underfunded, so it is strongly advised to get a private health insurance policy if you decide to stay in the country. Privately held hospitals are quite good, and a medical insurance policy wih one of the insurance companies calle ARS (Aseguradoras de Riesgos de Salud - Health Risk Insurances), which have made agreements with the best hospitals in the country, is the best way to get access to them at a very reasonable price.

A quite important remark: the term Hospital, is usually employed here for public hospitals which, as we said above, lack the most basic resources. The word Clínica, is the most used to talk about privately owned health centers.

Among them, the best are in Santo Domingo and Santiago: In the country's capital there are Hospiten (which also has a facility in Punta Cana), AAA Health Centers, or Clínica Abreu.

In Santiago, Clínica Corominas, Clínica Unión Medica, and Instituto Materno Infantil are among the most reputed. Bournigal in Puerto Plata also has a good reputation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great information!

It's important to not only have the proper travel medical insurance, but to understand what exactly you are covered for. Talk to your broker about your travel plans, and what you can expect to be insured for. Also make sure to have a copy of your travel insurance policy as well as the contact information with you.

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